About Us
Great Divide Consulting, LLC (GDC) was founded in November of 2004 as a Colorado multi-disciplinary consulting company providing services to public, government, and private clients. Since inception, the company has experienced a steady growth in both it's client base and range of provided services. Our range of services allows us to provide a unique level of experience to each individual project and aids in the development and nurturing of existing and potential partners/clients. The GDC staff is comprised of a registered Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) licensed in the State of Colorado with over 15 years of experience, one Party Chief with over 15 years of GPS/Robotic instrument experience, and one GIS/CAD Technician with 2 years experience. These professionals have helped to create and maintain an environment that constantly strives for excellence and efficiency. GDC provides comprehensive service capabilities, assures close in-house control by a registered PLS, and enjoys a fine reputation among its clients.